Live by the Word . . .

Here I post deep thoughts, moral ruminations and ethical conundrums for my own benefit and for the benefit of those who may wander by.

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I'm a PhD candidate working in early Medieval literature. I'm also a husband and dad to three of the greatest kids in the world. Enjoy what's here.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

For Those Who Want to Know

Why did I call this what I did? And why do I use Orcrist the Black as my handle? Quite honeslty, this is really a test run, and this unfinished quote seemed to fit me very well. Not because I do, but because I appreciate the sentiment expressed by the quote as a whole.
Regarding my name, it isn't any reference to Christ in any way. I don't really want to get into the racial profile of Jesus here, maybe later, but definitely not here and now. The name actually comes from The Hobbit. Gandalf carries the sword Glamdring throughout the series. Its twin, that was found at the same time, was a sword named Orcrist. This blade ends up on a tomb in the end of the book, never to be mentioned again. I like the mystery, and I have a replica of Glamdring with a black grip, so I determined that I have that sword from the tomb and named myself after it, in a way. So there you go.


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