Live by the Word . . .

Here I post deep thoughts, moral ruminations and ethical conundrums for my own benefit and for the benefit of those who may wander by.

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I'm a PhD candidate working in early Medieval literature. I'm also a husband and dad to three of the greatest kids in the world. Enjoy what's here.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Not a high school teacher

I discovered that I don't quite have the physiological make-up for high school. I helped the writing center at SUU host a writing conference for some of the local high schools. Despite the fact that I didn't feel that I did much, I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day. I hope it's easier when my own kids get to that age. I certainly doubt it though.
Admittedly, teaching them day in and day out would be different: in some ways better, but in others worse. Dead Pets Society still motivates me. I'm aware that in order to have that much control over the formation of someone's psyche, the sooner I can manipulate them into thinking as freely as I do (this is, by the way, meant as a joke).
In any case, my experience has strenghtened my resolve to continue with higher education so that I can teach at the level of my choice, not what I am left with simply because I am only qualified to teach to a certain level.